In the Netherlands, every new mother is entitled to at least 24 hours of maternity care. Depending on your personal situation, your family may be entitled to more. This will depend on such factors as your own health and that of your baby/babies in your belly and how your pregnancy progresses.
The hours of maternity care you are entitled to are spread over 8 days. In some cases, the care may be spread over 10 days. We will discuss this with you during the intake interview and give you an indication of the number of hours. This is calculated using the National Indication Protocol for Maternity Care [Landelijk Indicatieprotocol (LIP) Kraamzorg]. All maternity care organisations, midwives, healthcare insurers and GPs use this protocol to provide tailored care.
During the birth itself or the maternity period, it may become clear that your family will require more or fewer hours of maternity care than initially assessed during the intake interview. We will re-assess your situation when the care commences and determine the hours of care in consultation with your midwife (re-assessment).
The hours of maternity care you actually receive may also depend on where you live, the period during which you give birth, and the date of registration.
You can register for maternity care by calling us or directly by clicking this button.